Creating Your Comeback
Recently I finished a 5K race and I placed 30th in my age group. I am in my comeback phase of rebuilding my life and I am HERE for it.
Last summer I returned to running—after not exercising for two years due to an iatrogenic injury (I survived an unspeakable protracted psych med withdrawal syndrome for almost five years).
I completed a 10K last summer and to my amazement—my muscle memory kicked in. My body knew what to do. I didn’t care how fast I ran. I just ran because I could.
There are no words to describe the joy of feeling my feet strike the pavement, with the wind blowing against my face, while my heart pounded out of my chest. I felt ALIVE like never before and my comeback story started to unfold.
In times of struggle, we MUST leverage our competence. It’s critical that we engage in activities that make us feel alive, free, at peace, or that induce flow states.
We don’t magically gain confidence and then go out in the world. We go fearfully out in the world and do what scares us. That creates confidence. Being brave builds confidence and then our confidence cultivates more courageousness. This positive feedback loop will enable you to do hard things again and gain.
It takes courage to tap into your greatness. It lives inside of you. Start with small incremental changes which will build confidence and then start stacking habits.
I believe in you. I believe in me. I know we are meant for and capable of realizing our personal greatness. I invite you to become the greatest version of YOU.
I see you. You got this. Left foot. Right foot. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
You are so powerful. You have what it takes to create your comeback.
Be willing to be in the messy middle. Be willing to fail forward.
Bet on yourself and your growth like you can’t lose.
Now Go. Get out there. Let’s freaking go folks.