Courage Unlocked

Are you rebuilding your life or trying to make a comeback in some way?

Making a comeback after loss, injury, or major life transitions isn’t easy. And the truth is only YOU have the power to rebuild or recreate your life.

Change is not easy. It takes truckloads of courage to change behaviors that move the needle for our mental and physical health. Change is especially hard if your self-esteem has taken a hit.

I know a bit about identity crisis.

My life exploded in an instant when divorce papers were served one day before Thanksgiving in 2018.

I had to endure the pain of moving through the grief of letting go of the dream of what we could have been—as a couple and a family—while I endured major issues with my health.

I KNOW pain that most people couldn’t survive for a day let alone four years. I know how it feels to have your sense of self annihilated.

“Who am I if I am not a wife”?

“Who am I as mother with older children that don’t need me the way they used to?”

“Who am I off these psychotropic medications that numbed me and kept me caged and small in my own life?”

I know the unspeakable pain that comes when your health is destroyed while the grief of divorce consumes you and levels your children’s peace all at once.

I know how hard life can be sometimes. I have been through my (un)fair share of adversity.

I got sober 22 years ago and I got my ass handed to me in my first year of sobriety, which you can read about in my chapter of Taking the Plunge (link here).

My early recovery taught me how to not only keep the plug in the jug, but how to untangle myself from a plethora of patterns: people pleasing, perfectionism, and productivity to avoid pain plus how to suit up and show up for myself, my family, and my community.

I survived years of unspeakable harm from an iatrogenic injury I sustained from misaligned medical advice that resulted in a protracted withdrawal syndrome. And then I had to dig deep and coach myself back to the basics to rebuild my life one intentional brick at a time to architect a whole new life on my terms and my timeline.

Both my lived and professional experience prove positive that we can make a comeback at any stage of our lives. #courageunlocked

Look back in your past. Remember a time when you walked through some type of adversity or worked toward a huge goal. I am certain there was a point where you thought: “F—this!”

Self-doubt crept in and you may have thought: “There is no way I can keep going” or “I can’t endure this pain one more moment.

Regardless of whether you were trying to resolve a health crisis or were in hot pursuit of a massive goal for your personal development or business—YOU—did it. You got through it. That is GREATNESS and it lives inside of you.

As we move through a major set-back in life, it’s vital to tap into behaviors that cultivate confidence so that we can be courageous in the areas where we may need more support or new strategies.

Now Go. Get out there. Be brave. Be willing to be in the messy middle. Be willing to fail forward. Feel the fear and do it anyways.

We got this. Keep going. Keep surviving. Keep living—until that’s all you want to do.


Creating Your Comeback


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